Induced OBE’s cause memory impairment when recalling experience

induced_OBE_photoEhrsson’s team have published an interesting new paper in which they claim that a subjects experiences whilst in an induced OBE state, can later be shown as impaired, when the subject is asked to recall the experience in a normal (none OBE) state. Continue reading

Sheldrake vs UBC – the same experiment?

ouijaHelene Gauchou and Ronald Rensink at University of British Columbia published a paper back in 2012 titled “Expression of nonconscious knowledge via ideomotor actions” in which they used a Ouija board to access unconscious knowledge in blindfolded subjects. I read this paper back then, but obviously didn’t understand it’s significance at that time. Here’s a link to their paper: Continue reading

“Opening Heaven’s Door” A New Book from Patricia Pearson


Canada based author and journalist Patricia Pearson has a new book coming out May 2014 provocatively entitled “Opening Heaven’s Door: investigating stories of life, death and what comes after”. Patricia has spent over 5 years researching her book, motivated by her strange experiences around the time she lost both her father and sister – recounted at a recent TEDx presentation she was asked to speak at. Patricia began her investigation because she couldn’t find any reasonable explanation for her experiences within our current scientific understanding of the world. Continue reading